There is literally thousands of various porn tubes, blogs and other xxx sites. I would like to share some hints about writing and maintaining site that attracts real visitors. It will also show you how does it actually work to have adult site. This post will be kinda educational, but we need to take a break from porn for a while. Yeah, I have just sneered too.
Let’s say that our aim is to receive a lot of Google visitors and get yourself on some porn list like PornDabster. There is many similar lists around, but this one seems very useful. Being good in adult is different in mainstream where pays that content is the king. Since adult is all about recycling the content, you need to know that most webmasters use the same resources and only copy it or adjust it. Most webmasters use sponsored content, which means they all have the same image content and only use different descriptions. Others download pictures from all over the web and third group hotlink content from their servers.
Tell me what should I do to have good porn site?
1) Let’s focus on pictures aka your content
Let’s have a look at the most creative way which is using sponsored content and other that can be found on the web. When using images you need to optimize their size and adjust image quality. Many pics, even professional ones, can be highly edited and improved. Here you can see some proof:
You can see the difference between original (left) photo and edited (right) photo. New one is visually much more stimulating and people tend to download better images. It’s better to do some work with pics instead of just copying everything. This is the very first step to become good free porn site. You can play with shadows, colors and definition.
2) How’s your writing?
Native English people have huge advantage here. There is a big market that speaks English language and those who are from other non-English countries have big disadvantage. But being the best free porn website on worldwide lists is not granted by just using proper grammar. You must be also creative and awake some kind of curiosity in your readers. Most visitors won’t read your text, because they look only for pictures and videos. For those who are actually interested in some information you need to show your skill.
Among these stuff you also need to be skilled in keyword research and understand how search engines work. If you want to become better in writing you should learn from experienced copywriter.
3) Going to sleep at 10PM? Forget it since now!
Blogging or being a webmaster is time consuming activity that combines many areas of expertise. Since you don’t need to be programmer anymore these days you still need to learn as much as possible about graphics, copywriting, server administration, search engine optimalization, have budget for advertising and deal with other people from porn industry. Time for bed comes around 2AM every day and still there is no guarantee that it will all pay off. Still interested? Great! Let’s get into porn, establish new site and add it to some quality porn lists to start receiving some initial traffic. There is a lot of work before you! Otherwise you can just follow my blog and read more interesting posts about naked girls and pornstars. That’s also good option!